13 October 2011

The Freedom I found in Parkinson's

Early Morning....have to get up; body hurts.

Not easy getting to the side of the bed; slowy work up to standing.

Stand for a minute; feeling very lightheaded. 

Body's moving slowly; each step is more like a shuffle.

Take pills

Head to work; nausea setting in.

Body still hurting

Slow, deliberate steps; knees and hips hurt.

Sit in my office; forget what I'm supposed to be doing.

Legs begin to hurt; get up and walk.

Nausea still there

Struggle to remember; forget conversations; difficulty speaking at times.

I stop for a moment to talk to God. He tells me......

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 


I embrace my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me

Parkinson's isn't who I am.

It's just a reminder that my body is temporary

It's a reminder that no matter how hard I try

I can't do anything without Jesus.

Embrace Your weakness, insecurity, failure, embarrassing moments...

Be an open book, share them with others

Doing so will give you a freedom you've never had before

Or You can continue to hide them from others, and remain a prisoner in your body and mind....

10 October 2011

Things I learned as a First Sergeant

This Wednesday, Oct 12th, will end my Army career as a First Sergeant. I'm not bitter or sorrowful about it. In fact, I consider myself blessed for having this one last opportunity to wear the "Diamond" again. There's no Leadership job in the world as demanding or rewarding as that of a First Sergeant.  Some of what I've written below is taken from my Change of Responsibility Speech I'll give on the 12th; so if you're planning on attending, do what First Sergeant says, and keep your soup cooler shut until then. Just kidding, but really though, shut up!

I have been blessed with to leading Soldier's in just about every environment the Army offers. I'm not saying this to brag; just reflecting on the amazing opportunities God has placed me in.

I've led Soldiers for 18 years, from Basic Training to Combat, and have made more mistakes along the way then one can imagine. Despite my failures, God has also taught me some amazing facts about leadership that I'd like to share.

The first vital lesson God taught me is that He remains the same, today, tomorrow, and forever. So what does that mean for leaders? Consistency! If your leadership lacks consistency, you won't be leading anyone for very long. Inconsistency leads to frustration in those you lead.

Once I understood that concept, I knew my next step would be to adopt or create some principles that would guide me throughout my day. I had many years of experience, from Squad Leader, Drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, and First Sergeant. After analyzing my past opportunities, I came up with five principles that I've abided by for the past six years.  It wasn't until my most recent assignment as a First Sergeant, that I realized I needed to alter a few of my principles slightly.

So here they are!

 1. To Whom much is given, much is expected. 
This principle remains unaltered for my simple belief that, leadership is completely and unquestionably about serving others. I can still remember the expression on my leaders faces' when I asked them to associate the word servant with leadership. It looked as if everything they knew about leadership had been turned upside down. However, doing so accomplishes two things:

•  it reminds you that serving others is what leaders do; your authority and position are not for your benefit, but for the benefit of those you serve. 
•  the word servant is a reminder to stay humble. A leader who is not humble, is a leader who is not able to admit when he's wrong, ask for help, or effectively show compassion when needed. 

2.  Familiarity breeds disrespect.
This principle has been altered. My previous belief of this principle, was that in order to earn my Soldiers respect, I had to create this perception of an elite leader, one who didn't make mistakes, show weakness, or allow Soldiers to know their First Sergeant didn't really sleep at the position of attention and rise to singing the Army Song every morning. What I now know, is that familiarity doesn't breed disrespect, it builds relationships. Building relationships creates influence with those you serve, and influence is the essence  of leadership.

3. The Soldier does what the leader inspects.
This principle remains true and always will. The influence you have created through the relationships you've built means that Soldiers observe what you do, as well as what you don't. What's important to you, is important to them. When you don't enforce a known standard you've just altered what's acceptable in your organization, and will eventually lead to your units demise.

4. Never have your Soldiers doing anything you wouldn't do yourself.
This principle remains intact and has everything to do with respecting those you serve. A great number of Army leaders believe their Soldiers don't have to like them, they just have to respect and obey them. That thought process is 100% wrong! When Your Soldiers respect and admire you, they will gladly and willingly execute and obey your orders. Respect is earned not deserved.

5. Soldiers will remember the little things. The little things are as simple as pulling them to the side and asking how they're doing, about their family, while showing sincere interest. It's giving them an afternoon off just to show appreciation for they're hard work. It's being patient with them when they mess something up, or showing grace when they don't deserve it. We call them little things, but it's the little things that have the biggest impact on those you serve.

So there it is! I've just given you simple and effective principles that you can apply to any leadership position in any industry, organization, or even at home. It took me 18 years and countless mistakes to learn and apply these principles, and I'm still falling short all the time. Don't expect anything you put into practice will be the solution to your leadership woes. Manage your expectations and don't beat yourself up when you fail.

There is one secret I left out. I don't consider this secret as a principle to be applied like the rest; I consider it absolutely necessary for survival. What is it? My relationship with God! Remember me saying that relationships build influence? If I allow anything other than God to influence my leadership, I'm destined to fail. Maybe you aren't to the point where you realize the importance of this fact, maybe you don't even believe in God. Maybe your not able to separate the world we live in with reality.

The reality is God!

You know deep down you want to believe! Get past yourself, get right with God. Your leadership, as well as those you lead will benefit greatly.

"Bravo 7, Out"

06 October 2011

Steve Jobs vs The "Christian"

In My earlier posts, "Revolution" and ""What's in a Name", one point I had stated, was that Christians are judgmental. I will now add to that by saying we are also inconsiderate and compassionless. I know that rubs some of you wrong, to be grouped into that category, but when one teammate loses the game, he loses it for the team, not just himself. 

Steve Jobs, the man we have to thank for all the cool Apple devices, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2004, and recently passed away as I'm sure you all are aware of. As I was on my way to an appointment this morning, I heard on the radio (WayFM),  that a "self-professed" Christian (SPC), had posted an extremely insensitive Facebook comment regarding Steve Jobs being a buddhist, and he continued to gloat at the fact he probably wasn't in heaven. The Tone of the post would have led any reader to the conclusion that the SPC was smug and heartless, as if to say we shouldn't mourn the loss of Steve Jobs because of his chosen faith.

Another Individual replied, "hopefully he accepted Christ before he died". Guess what our SPC replied with? 

"I doubt it".              
I doubt it?

Here's what I doubt! I doubt that Jesus would be in any way, shape, or form, happy with SPC's comments or the fact that he opened his pie hole on a world wide social media site.

I doubt that Jesus is smug or happy about the loss of Steve Jobs. Last time I checked, Jesus gave his life for all mankind. I'm sure He mourns the loss of anyone who doesn't simply believe.

I doubt, based on SPC 's comments, that he's doing anything productive for Gods Kingdom. But what about Steve Jobs? Did God use him?

Throughout the Bible God used those who were faithful, as well as those who weren't. So again, what has Steve Jobs done?

He's only been one of the greatest innovators in the history of the world! He was a pure visionary who reinvented the telephone, as well as the personal computer. And let's not forget the Ipad. These devices have in themselves, changed the world!

Somebody like SPC is probably saying, "That's great, but what has this done to further the "Cause"?"

Well it certainly hasn't hurt it. We have applications available that allow us to interact in church, search multiple bible versions simultaneously, and share our faith across the globe. I haven't even scratched the surface of the capabilities we have available to tell others about Jesus. Capabilities we have, because of people like Steve Jobs. 

I don't know the final destination of Steve Jobs, but I'm saddened over his loss. Steve Jobs was someone's son, husband, father, and friend. We all have benefited from the life and vision of Steve Jobs. Telling others about Jesus may not have been his mission, but God blessed that dude for a reason; more than likely for our benefit.

In the end we all live forever in one of two places. My hope is that I'll be able to meet Steve Jobs someday and thank him for his efforts. 

And as for our "Self-professed" Christian who's giving the world a reason to judge us? Quit trying help the rest of us out and get on the sidelines if you're not going to be productive; and If I find out that you made these statements from an IPad or MAC, I'm going to kick your $#* when I see you in heaven.

03 October 2011

Simple Man....Great Song!

You ever thought of simplifying your life? What good could you accomplish without TV?

Without Football?

Without the expensive cars, or four wheelers?

Without your iphone, ipad, smart phone?

With anything that takes the place of building relationships with each other and God!

Take the challenge!

Simplify your life for one week!

Become social again.

God created us that way.

Life’s not about things.

It’s about relationships.

With each other

With Jesus!

The things that take up your time will rust, break, or fade away.

Hebrews 13:5.

02 October 2011

What's in a Name: Part II

I just wanted to say thanks for returning if you have read my first post of “What’s in a Name”. If you haven’t, I encourage you to read it first. Otherwise, what I have to say next might not make sense. Knowing me, it probably won’t make sense anyway. Funny, it all seems so logical in my mind.

In My first post of “What’s in a Name”, I left off talking about society’s perception that Christians are hypocrites, and I blamed it on the traditional church of our parent’s generation. After pondering how to counter the perception of Christians being hypocrites, I came to the conclusion that countering the argument is pointless. Let’s face it, we are hypocrites; and so are non-Christians, and Muslim’s, Buddhist’s, blah, blah, blah! The reality is that labeling Christians as hypocrites is a cheap and easy accusation that’s been thrown at the Christian faith; and guess what? It stuck! By the way, the definition for hypocrite is: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

After reading the definition above, can you really disagree? I realize there are Christians who are very good at being Christ-like; I applaud you. The reality is, that if one of the apples is bad, the whole lot must be as well. But that’s just a perception right? Yeah, and people’s perception is their reality. So how is our parent’s Church generation to blame? First understand, I know there are wonderful Churches out there doing great things for God’s kingdom. However, if we are judged as one, which we are, then we’re all riding this wave together. So…..finally, here it is.

The Traditional Church many of us grew up in spent their time and energy “defending” themselves against the claim of hypocrisy, while at the same time pointing our finger at the sins of those around us. Time and time again, the church acted pious and Christ-like on Sunday’s; hiding their sin from those in the pew next to them. All while living their separate lives throughout the week, and looking down upon our "pagan" neighbors.

I was one of them, I learned from the best and was good it. But at the end of the day, guess what I was? Yep, a Hypocrite. In my opinion, the best defense for that argument is no defense; agree with those who label us in that manner. You can fight all you want, but as soon as a Christian pops up on the TV involved in a scandal, or some dude with a fish on the back of his car cuts somebody off, you’ve lost all credibility.

So does God need us to conduct damage control at this point? Not hardly! God’s been doing a pretty good job of keeping this ship afloat, and he doesn’t need us jacking it up. What he does need from us is to be REAL! We are so busy hiding the messes in our lives that we forget where we’ve come from. It’s like trying to carry 20 lbs of crap in a 5 lbs bag; it just doesn’t fit and people smell you long before they see you.

Let’s do all Christians a favor, and clear up our good name. Let’s agree that we are hypocrites at times. Let’s agree that we are sinners saved by Grace. Let’s all agree that we’re carrying around a load of crap and people will see straight through us if we aren’t genuine in our faith.

At Church this morning we sang “Beautiful Things”. As I thought about the words of the song, I became thankful that God has taken the “crap” in my life and used it for his glory. You see, God didn’t cause me to sin, and he definitely didn’t want me to sin, but he loves me just the same. God would rather I sin and tell others about my mistake for his glory, than for me to sin and say nothing.

I’ll close with this question for you to ponder. How many people have we turned away from the faith by "defending" ourselves, instead of talking about what really matters? That would be Jesus if anyone was wondering; and guess what He did when he was accused of crimes he didn't commit? He didn't speak a word, He let his actions speak for Him. Over 2000 years ago and He's still speaking. Follow His example.

Next post for “What’s in a Name”: Discipleship

30 September 2011

What's in a Name!

Have you ever considered what the title Christian means? I'm not talking about it's actual definition; I'm talking about the perceptions associated with the name Christian. Perceptions? Yes perceptions! Sadly enough, the perceptions many associate with the name Christian, are just as often true as not.

Perceptions are reality, but why? I mostly believe it stems from our own self-pride. We love to be right, don't we? Perception or not, it's much easier to rest on your perception than it is to take the time to really know someone.

Here's were I've got a problem. I've seen it time and time again, you strike up a conversation, everything's going fine until.....you drop the big "C". In other words, you inform them that you are a Christian. (I know some of you were thinking about a big cookie, or even some cake. You know who you are. RM) What I've experienced, is that people will immediately change their demeanor, and start looking for a way out of the uncomfortable spot you've placed them in. To be honest about it, I've even looked to drop a conversation at the point.

So what give's? Why all the negative hype associated with a name? I've often said to friends that even I can't stand Christians. So Let's break down a few of the common perceptions about Christians:

o "Christians are hypocrites!"

How should we respond to that? Should we respond? My answer....Yes...and No! Before you get confused and stop reading, understand this. Generally, Christians are hypocrites. Here's where some readers might get a little upset. When speaking of "Christians", I am speaking to a specific era of Christians. Yea, I'm calling somebody out! The Traditional Churches of our parents era are exactly who I'm flicking this booger on. After growing up in a traditional church, I feel completely qualified to make the following statements......in my next post! See ya!

28 September 2011


If at first glance you find the heading of my post to be a little extreme, then keep reading, because I'll probably offend you as well. Think of it as a two for one kinda thing. But before you call Homeland Security, or the FBI, ask the question! Why the title Revolution? What's so wrong that we need revolution? There of course are several definitions of the word revolution; the one I prefer in this situation is, "a sudden, complete or marked change." Okay, so now that we've wasted time with defining the word, let's answer the question, what needs a sudden, or complete change? Easy.....Christians!

The name Christian used to mean something in our country. Today, it's viewed more as a joke by those in the media when we are portrayed as some jack ass who does nothing other than judge those around him, or act as a hypocrite. And yes, I said Jack Ass! If you judged me for it, then you're part of the problem. When JB (that's John the Baptist) called the Pharisee's a "brood of vipers", guess what that meant? AKA....Jack ass!

The point is, I have begun a revolution against Christians, of which I am one. My Revolution isn't going to take place on some battle field in a kilt with blue crap on my face, it's going to take place everywhere, one Christian at a time. But the question still remains, why? As long as Christians continue to remain divided on minutiae, then the devil is succeeding in his plan to hinder the Church. Jesus said in John 13:35, "your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." We can't even show love for each other, because we are separated over whether or not we believe in predestination, purgatory, wearing a suit and tie on Sundays, or if Jesus really turned water into wine, or was it just grape juice. Come on, really?

Here's the only thing we need to agree on: Jesus is the Son of God, was born of a virgin, He lived a perfect life free of sin and offered his body as a living sacrifice which paid for all our sins. He rose from the dead, and anyone who simply believes in him will have eternal life! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!

Our attitude as Christians seems at times like we're simply members of an exclusive club. Why do we stay couped up in our nice buildings while the community around us dies a little more each day? Why are Christians afraid to go to bars or establishments that serve alcohol? Why do we not show grace when grace was given to us when we least deserved it? I know the answer! Because Christians view themselves as better than others, as if we've done something to earn our salvation.

Outside our locked doors are where the sick people are. Jesus never said, believe in me and hide out till I get back. He did say things like, "you are the light of the world, and salt of the earth, go make disciples of all nations. Isn't the real reason for our inaction because it's really all about us? We, us, ourselves, our personal beliefs, need to decrease so that God can increase.

Seems like a lot to digest, and I may have come across strong, but that's how it should be. Jesus gave his life for you. Not His money,home, time, or experience. His life! If Jesus thought it was important to die for you, why would you not consider emmursing yourself completely in the cause? His Cause was to save the world; It still is.

What's your cause going to be? Judging others, suit and tie on Sunday? I believe the Church talked about in Acts experienced much of Gods power and miracles because they were united. Jesus said, “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be ONE as we are ONE. (John 17:22 NLT) Not Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, or Catholics. In closing, understand that I am not judging anyone with the statements made in this post. I'm not perfect, but I see what I see. Take off your Christian Snob glasses and you'll see it too; or do nothing, just like the devil wants you to do.